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Old Jun 11, 2010, 01:50 PM // 13:50   #1
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Ohio
Guild: RoaR
Profession: E/Mo

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Default Elite Dragons [RoaR] looking for mature experienced dedicated players

About us:
We are a (majority) adult clan comprised of US and Euro players. We do have younger players, but maturity is the key. We pride ourselves in being helpful, fun and friendly with balanced play styles in most all elite/high end areas. We are Luxon.
We do it all with the exception of PvP. Although we prefer balanced builds, there are some members that enjoy SC’s and the like and are currently retraining on these areas. Whatever play you enjoy, you will be able to find it with us or in the alliance we are proud members of.

What we are looking for:
- We are looking for new members who are active, fun, and take an interest in the well-being of the guild and the alliance.
- We are looking for people with knowledge of multiple professions and who can use these professions efficiently and proficiently.
-Willingness to share/teach/train along with other like minded members.

What we are NOT looking for:
-Drama (queens)
- Power Traders
-Dishonest players
-Rage quitters

- Vent and working mic is required
- Mature Members
- Must have enough classes to do all areas and ready to go.
- A knowledge of HM and High End areas
- Activity on our forums as well as alliance forums.
- Participation in Guild Activities on a Regular Basis

Before you apply, you should know that we expect all members to know what they are doing. If you have little or no experience with hard mode or high end areas, RoaR is not the guild for you.

If you feel you meet these criteria or need more information, feel free to drop by our site.

To apply to our guild, please register on the forums and create a new post by copying the following questions in, and answering them.

All of the following fields are required and be as detailed as possible unless otherwise specified.
• What are your in-game names, professions, levels, XP, and /age?
• Do you have and willing to use ventrilo and a working mic?
• What game related forums are you a member of and how often do you visit/post on those forums?
• If you have a guru or other GW specific profile, post a link to it.
• How often do you play, and during what times/days?
• What Country do you live in?
• How old are you, and what time zone are you in?
• How did you hear about RoaR (friend, forum, etc)?
• Do you know any RoaR members who can give you a reference and if so, whom?
• What are the in-game activities at which you excel (keyword: excel)?
• Briefly describe why you want to join RoaR .
• What makes you an asset to the guild; what makes you stand apart?
• How many Maxed Titles do you have, and what are they?
• What GW games do you own, which ones have you completed, and what elite areas can/have you visited, and on which characters?
• Name your past guilds if possible

Please submit your application using the format shown here. You may add any additional information you like beneath the requested information. Officers will review your application and vote on it. During the voting process, RoaR members and officers will leave a reason in your application thread detailing why they made their decision. In some situations additional information/Trial Runs may be requested so please check your application frequently until you are decided upon. If you are voted in, the leader or an officer will contact you in-game and send out an invite.

RoaR only accepts the very best to insure that our alliance is guaranteed the highest level of game enjoyment.

If you have any additional questions please pm the following people in game or through pm on guru.

Rojomia Valleja
Mystic Rainss
Xx Fubar Xx
His Diivine Shadow
Tredegar Feltwell
Xuliu Telrunya

Thanks for your interest!
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